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Sriram Ramaswamy Group
Physics Gallery Indian Institute of Science
member's picture Nisarg Bhatt(Jointly with Subroto Mukerjee)
Ph.D. student, IISc
E0-07, new wing of Physical Sciences
IISc, Bengaluru-560012

Email :  bhatt@iisc.ac.in

Research summary:

Active magnets
Pankaj Popli(postdoctoral research associate)

E0-07, new wing of Physical Sciences
IISc, Bengaluru-560012

Email :  pnkjpopli@gmail.com

Research summary:

non-affine deformations and crystal defects; active stabilisation of swarms
Suvendra Kumar Sahoo (IPhD student; co-supervised with K Vijay Kumar, ICTS )
E0-07, new wing of Physical Sciences
IISc, Bengaluru-560012

Email :  suvendrak@iisc.ac.in

Research summary:

Active suspensions
member's picture Raushan Kant (Jointly with A. K. Sood)
Int. Ph.D. student, IISc
E2-06, new wing of Physical Sciences
IISc, Bengaluru-560012

Email :  raushankant@iisc.ac.in

Research summary:

Vibrated Active Granular Systems (Experiment)
Karnpriya Pandey
Integrated Ph.D. student, IISc; supervised jointly with Ambarish Ghosh
E0-07, new wing of Physical Sciences
IISc, Bengaluru-560012

Email :  karnpriyap@iisc.ac.in

Research summary:

Active and actuated microswimmers (theory and experiment)
member's picture Ramita Mondal
Physics Undergraduate, IISc; supervised jointly with Mustansir Barma, TIFR Hyderabad
E0-07, new wing of Physical Sciences
IISc, Bengaluru-560012

Email :  ramitamondal@iisc.ac.in

Research summary:

statistical mechanics of active-passive mixtures
Narayan Dutt Sharma
Integrated Ph.D. student, IISc; supervised jointly with Subroto Mukerjee and Chandan Dasgupta
E0-07, new wing of Physical Sciences
IISc, Bengaluru-560012

Email :  narayansd@iisc.ac.in

Research summary:

Low-dimensional and quantum flocks
Sriram Picture Sriram Ramaswamy

Research summary:

Nonequilibrium, soft-matter and biological physics
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