Bilayer Haldane system: Topological characterization and adiabatic passages connecting Chern phases


We present a complete topological characterization of a bilayer composite of two Chern insulators (specifically, Haldane models) and explicitly establish the bulk-boundary correspondences. We show that an appropriately defined Chern number accurately maps out all the possible phases of the system and remains well defined even in the presence of degeneracies in the occupied bands. Importantly, our result paves the way for realizing adiabatic preparation of monolayer Chern insulators. This has been a major challenge to date, given the impossibility of unitarily connecting inequivalent topological phases. We show that this difficulty can be circumvented by adiabatically varying the interlayer coupling in such a way that the system remains gapped at all times. In particular, complete knowledge of the phase diagram of the bilayer composite immediately allows one to identify all such adiabatic passages which may connect the different Chern inequivalent phases of the individual monolayers.

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 103, (2021).