Prediction of f-wave pairing symmetry in YBa2Cu3O6+x cuprates


We perform a numerical simulation of a three-band Hubbard model with two CuO2 planes and a single CuO chain layer for YBCO cuprates. The spin-fluctuation mediated pairing interaction is computed within the multiband random-phase approximation, and its pairing eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are solved as a function of chain state filling factor n(c). We find that for the intrinsic value of n(c) in YBCO samples, one obtains the usual d-wave pairing symmetry. However, if we dope the chain layers with holes, while keeping the plane states doping fixed, the leading pairing symmetry solution becomes an unconventional f-wave symmetry. The mechanism behind the f-wave pairing is the competition between the plane states antiferromagnetic nesting and chain states' uniaxial nesting. We also find that the pairing strength is strongly augmented when the flat band bottom of the chain state passes the Fermi level for a fixed plane states doping. The f -wave pairing symmetry can be realized in YBCO cuprates in future experiments where the self-doping mechanism between the chain and plane states can be minimized so that only chain state can be selectively hole doped.

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, (2020).