Transport and Heating in Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flows

There are two modes of accretion: geometrically thin, optically thick disks; and geometrically thick, optically thin accretion flows. Plasma is able to cool efficiently in geometrically thin accretion; thus heat produced by turbulent stresses is radiated locally. In hot, dilute accretion flows the cooling time is longer than radial advection time; plasma is hotter as the heat is retained and not radiated. Since radiatively inefficient accretion flows (RIAFs) are hot and dilute, they are also collisionless at the disk size scale. The prime example of a RIAF is the radio and X-ray source Sgr A* in the Galactic center.

Stress Accretion in sufficiently ionized magnetized accretion flows occurs because of the magnetorotational instability (MRI). MRI in the collisionless regime, which is relevant for RIAFs, is a robust instability. In collisionless plasma, particles freely stream along magnetic field lines but are confined to a Larmor radius (usually much smaller than the mean free path) in the perpendicular direction. Pressure is anisotropic with respect to the magnetic field lines. Since Larmor radius is small, first adiabatic invariant (pperp/B) is conserved. As MRI amplifies magnetic fields, pperp becomes larger than ppar. pperp>ppar corresponds to a viscosity which results in viscous stress and viscous heating. In a collisional plasma viscosity is determined by collisions (viscous stress ~ pressure/collision frequency). However, pressure anisotropy in collisionless plasmas is limited by gyroradius scale instabilities: firehose for ppar>pperp; and mirror, ion-cyclotron, and electron-whistler instabilities for pperp>ppar. Pressure anisotropy is such that the viscous (anisotropic) stress is comparable to the Maxwell stress (see the Fig. on right), and may even dominate if the ratio of plasma pressure and magnetic pressure is >>1.

Radiative Efficiency In addition to providing stress which facilitates angular momentum transport, pressure anisotropy also results in viscous heating (~shearing rate X pressure anisotropy). In collisional plasma viscous heating of protons is ~40 times larger than that of electrons, but in the collisionless regime pressure anisotropy and hence viscous heating due to small scale instabilities is comparable for both electron and protons. The electron to ion heating ratio (~sqrt[Te/Tp]) calculated from local shearing box simulations can be used in a 1-D model with electron cooling (due to synchrotron and inverse-Compton) and heating (due to viscous stress) to calculate radiative efficiency as a function of mass accretion rate (see the Fig. on left). For Sgr A* with Bondi accretion rate ~ 1e-4 Eddington rate, one obtains a radiative efficiency of ~1e-3 and a suppression of mass accretion rate by ~1e-2 relative to Bondi, to account for the observed dimness by ~1e-5 compared to the Bondi value. This is consistent with many observations such as the Faraday Rotation measure.


Transition from Collisionless to Collisional Magnetorotational Instability
Shearing Box Simulations of the MRI in a Collisionless Plasma
Electron Heating in Hot Accretion Flows