@article{WOS:000591812900017, abstract = {The introduction of ``twist″ or relative rotation between two atomically thin van der Waals membranes gives rise to periodic moire potential, leading to a substantial alteration of the band structure of the planar assembly. While most of the recent experiments primarily focus on the electronic-band hybridization by probing in-plane transport properties, here we report out-of-plane thermoelectric measurements across the van der Waals gap in twisted bilayer graphene, which exhibits an interplay of twist-dependent interlayer electronic and phononic hybridization. We show that at large twist angles, the thermopower is entirely driven by a novel phonon-drag effect at subnanometer scale, while the electronic component of the thermopower is recovered only when the misorientation between the layers is reduced to < 6 degrees. Our experiment shows that cross-plane thermoelectricity at low angles is exceptionally sensitive to the nature of band dispersion and may provide fundamental insights into the coherence of electronic states in twisted bilayer graphene.}, article-number = {226802}, author = {Mahapatra, Phanibhusan S. and Ghawri, Bhaskar and Garg, Manjari and Mandal, Shinjan and Watanabe, K. and Taniguchi, T. and Jain, Manish and Mukerjee, Subroto and Ghosh, Arindam}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.226802}, eissn = {1079-7114}, issn = {0031-9007}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, month = {NOV 24}, number = {22}, orcid-numbers = {Jain, Manish/0000-0001-9329-6434 Mandal, Shinjan/0000-0003-1551-6555}, researcherid-numbers = {Jain, Manish/A-8303-2010 }, title = {Misorientation-Controlled Cross-Plane Thermoelectricity in Twisted Bilayer Graphene}, unique-id = {WOS:000591812900017}, volume = {125}, year = {2020} }