@article{ISI:000464451700042, abstract = {We propose a novel heterostructure system consisting of compounds with chemical formula A(2)Mo(3)O(8) (A, B: Zn, Mg, Cd) that can host a two-dimensional electron/hole gas (2DEG/2DHG). The formation of a 2DEG/2DHG in these heterostructures, which have a low interfacial strain, is driven by a polarization discontinuity at the interface. The sheet carrier densities and charge localization in these heterostructures are comparable to other well-known heterostructures that host 2DEG opening up the possibility of a wide variety of applications. Published under license by AIP Publishing.}, article-number = {145303}, author = {Biswas, Tathagata and Jain, Manish}, doi = {10.1063/1.5079946}, eissn = {1089-7550}, issn = {0021-8979}, journal = {JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, month = {APR 14}, number = {14}, orcid-numbers = {Jain, Manish/0000-0001-9329-6434}, researcherid-numbers = {Jain, Manish/A-8303-2010}, times-cited = {1}, title = {Polarization discontinuity driven two dimensional electron gas at A(2)Mo(3)O(8)/B2Mo3O8 (A, B: Zn, Mg, Cd) interfaces}, unique-id = {ISI:000464451700042}, volume = {125}, year = {2019} }