@article{ISI:000385983000001, abstract = {Particles of low velocity, traveling without dissipation in a superfluid, can interact and emit sound when they collide. We propose a minimal model in which the equations of motion of the particles, including a short-range repulsive force, are self-consistently coupled with the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We show that this model generates naturally an effective superfluid-mediated attractive interaction between the particles; and we study numerically the collisional dynamics of particles as a function of their incident kinetic energy and the length scale of the repulsive force. We find a transition from almost elastic to completely inelastic (sticking) collisions as the parameters are tuned. We find that aggregation and clustering result from this sticking transition in multiparticle systems.}, article-number = {041602}, author = {Shukla, Vishwanath and Brachet, Marc and Pandit, Rahul}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.94.041602}, eissn = {2469-9934}, issn = {2469-9926}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW A}, month = {OCT 19}, number = {4}, orcid-numbers = {Shukla, Vishwanath/0000-0002-0010-7479}, researcherid-numbers = {Shukla, Vishwanath/I-1327-2015}, times-cited = {8}, title = {Sticking transition in a minimal model for the collisions of active particles in quantum fluids}, unique-id = {ISI:000385983000001}, volume = {94}, year = {2016} }