@article{ISI:000364807900005, abstract = {In the vicinity of a Feshbach resonance, a system of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice undergoes rich physical transformations which involve molecule formation and hopping of molecules on the lattice and thus goes beyond a single-band Hubbard model description. We explore theoretically the response of this system to a harmonic modulation of the magnetic field, and thus of the scattering length, across the Feshbach resonance. In the regime in which the single-band Hubbard model is still valid, we provide results for the doublon production as a function of the various parameters, such as frequency, amplitude, etc., that characterize the field modulation, as well as the lattice depth. The method may uncover a route towards the efficient creation of ultracold molecules and also provide an alternative to conventional lattice-depth-modulation spectroscopy.}, article-number = {053612}, author = {Dirks, Andreas and Mikelsons, Karlis and Krishnamurthy, H. R. and Freericks, J. K.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.92.053612}, eissn = {1094-1622}, issn = {1050-2947}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW A}, month = {NOV 16}, number = {5}, orcid-numbers = {Mikelsons, Karlis/0000-0003-2540-0687 Freericks, James K/0000-0002-6232-9165}, researcherid-numbers = {Mikelsons, Karlis/C-9147-2015 Freericks, James K/D-7502-2011}, times-cited = {3}, title = {Feshbach modulation spectroscopy of the Fermi-Hubbard model}, unique-id = {ISI:000364807900005}, volume = {92}, year = {2015} }