@article{ISI:000335319300010, abstract = {We study the Feshbach resonance of spin-1/2 particles in a uniform synthetic non-Abelian gauge field that produces spin-orbit coupling and constant spin potentials. We develop a renormalizable quantum field theory including the closed-channel boson which engenders the resonance. We show that the gauge field shifts the Feshbach field where the low-energy scattering length diverges. In addition the Feshbach field is shown to depend on the center-of-mass momentum of the particles. For high-symmetry gauge fields which produce a Rashba spin coupling, we show that the system supports two bound states over a regime of magnetic fields when the background scattering length is negative and the resonance width is comparable to the energy scale of the spin-orbit coupling. We discuss interesting consequences useful for future theoretical and experimental studies, even while our predictions are in agreement with recent experiments.}, article-number = {043618}, author = {Shenoy, Vijay B.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.89.043618}, eissn = {1094-1622}, issn = {1050-2947}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW A}, month = {APR 23}, number = {4}, times-cited = {3}, title = {Feshbach resonance in a synthetic non-Abelian gauge field}, unique-id = {ISI:000335319300010}, volume = {89}, year = {2014} }