@article{ISI:000333990800011, abstract = {We propose a model to realize a fermionic superfluid state in an optical lattice circumventing the cooling problem. Our proposal exploits the idea of tuning the interaction in a characteristically low-entropy state, a band insulator in an optical bilayer system, to obtain a superfluid. By performing a detailed analysis of the model including fluctuations and augmented by a variational quantum Monte Carlo calculation of the ground state, we show that the superfluid state obtained has a high transition temperature of the order of the hopping energy. Our system is designed to suppress other competing orders such as a charge density wave. We suggest a laboratory realization of this model via an orthogonally shaken optical lattice bilayer.}, article-number = {043605}, author = {Prasad, Yogeshwar and Medhi, Amal and Shenoy, Vijay B.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.89.043605}, eissn = {1094-1622}, issn = {1050-2947}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW A}, month = {APR 7}, number = {4}, orcid-numbers = {Medhi, Amal/0000-0001-5322-1649}, researcherid-numbers = {Prasad, Yogeshwar/L-4036-2016 }, times-cited = {5}, title = {Fermionic superfluid from a bilayer band insulator in an optical lattice}, unique-id = {ISI:000333990800011}, volume = {89}, year = {2014} }