@article{ISI:000323712400002, abstract = {Fundamental gap renormalization due to electronic polarization is a basic phenomenon in molecular crystals. Despite its ubiquity and importance, all conventional approaches within density-functional theory completely fail to capture it, even qualitatively. Here, we present a new screened range-separated hybrid functional, which, through judicious introduction of the scalar dielectric constant, quantitatively captures polarization-induced gap renormalization, as demonstrated on the prototypical organic molecular crystals of benzene, pentacene, and C-60. This functional is predictive, as it contains system-specific adjustable parameters that are determined from first principles, rather than from empirical considerations.}, article-number = {081204}, author = {Refaely-Abramson, Sivan and Sharifzadeh, Sahar and Jain, Manish and Baer, Roi and Neaton, Jeffrey B. and Kronik, Leeor}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.88.081204}, eissn = {2469-9969}, issn = {2469-9950}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, month = {AUG 30}, number = {8}, orcid-numbers = {Sharifzadeh, Sahar/0000-0003-4215-4668 Neaton, Jeffrey/0000-0001-7585-6135 Jain, Manish/0000-0001-9329-6434 Kronik, Leeor/0000-0001-6791-8658}, researcherid-numbers = {Sharifzadeh, Sahar/L-9367-2013 Sharifzadeh, Sahar/P-4881-2016 Neaton, Jeffrey/F-8578-2015 Jain, Manish/A-8303-2010 Baer, Roi/AAQ-6456-2020 }, times-cited = {146}, title = {Gap renormalization of molecular crystals from density-functional theory}, unique-id = {ISI:000323712400002}, volume = {88}, year = {2013} }