@article{ISI:000310969800003, abstract = {We study a junction of a topological insulator with a thin two-dimensional nonmagnetic or partially polarized ferromagnetic metallic film deposited on a three-dimensional insulator. We show, by deriving generic boundary conditions applicable to electrons traversing the junction, that there is a finite spin-current injection into the film whose magnitude can be controlled by tuning a voltage V applied across the junction. For ferromagnetic films, the direction of the component of the spin current along the film magnetization can also be tuned by tuning the barrier potential V-0 at the junction. We point out the role of the chiral spin-momentum locking of the Dirac electrons behind this phenomenon and suggest experiments to test our theory.}, article-number = {205114}, author = {Modak, S. and Sengupta, K. and Sen, Diptiman}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.86.205114}, eissn = {2469-9969}, issn = {2469-9950}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, month = {NOV 12}, number = {20}, times-cited = {19}, title = {Spin injection into a metal from a topological insulator}, unique-id = {ISI:000310969800003}, volume = {86}, year = {2012} }