@article{ISI:000308134000010, abstract = {The Adam-Gibbs relation between relaxation times and the configurational entropy has been tested extensively for glass formers using experimental data and computer simulation results. Although the form of the relation contains no dependence on the spatial dimensionality in the original formulation, subsequent derivations of the Adam-Gibbs relation allow for such a possibility. We test the Adam-Gibbs relation in two, three, and four spatial dimensions using computer simulations of model glass formers. We find that the relation is valid in three and four dimensions. But in two dimensions, the relation does not hold, and interestingly, no single alternate relation describes the results for the different model systems we study.}, article-number = {095705}, author = {Sengupta, Shiladitya and Karmakar, Smarajit and Dasgupta, Chandan and Sastry, Srikanth}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.095705}, issn = {0031-9007}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, month = {AUG 29}, number = {9}, orcid-numbers = {Sengupta, Shiladitya/0000-0003-1179-6756 Sastry, Srikanth/0000-0001-7399-1835 Dasgupta, Chandan/0000-0002-0302-1881 Karmakar, Smarajit/0000-0002-5653-6328}, researcherid-numbers = {Sengupta, Shiladitya/D-2123-2017 Sastry, Srikanth/F-7232-2014 }, times-cited = {33}, title = {Adam-Gibbs Relation for Glass-Forming Liquids in Two, Three, and Four Dimensions}, unique-id = {ISI:000308134000010}, volume = {109}, year = {2012} }