@article{ISI:000305605100009, abstract = {We address how the nature of linearly dispersing edge states of two-dimensional (2D) topological insulators evolves with increasing electron-electron correlation engendered by a Hubbard-like on-site repulsion U in finite ribbons of two models of topological band insulators. Using an inhomogeneous cluster slave-rotor mean-field method developed here, we show that electronic correlations drive the topologically nontrivial phase into a Mott insulating phase via two different routes. In a synchronous transition, the entire ribbon attains a Mott insulating state at one critical U that depends weakly on the width of the ribbon. In the second, asynchronous route, Mott localization first occurs on the edge layers at a smaller critical value of electronic interaction, which then propagates into the bulk as U is further increased until all layers of the ribbon become Mott localized. We show that the kind of Mott transition that takes place is determined by certain properties of the linearly dispersing edge states which characterize the topological resilience to Mott localization.}, article-number = {235449}, author = {Medhi, Amal and Shenoy, Vijay B. and Krishnamurthy, H. R.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.85.235449}, issn = {1098-0121}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, month = {JUN 25}, number = {23}, orcid-numbers = {Medhi, Amal/0000-0001-5322-1649}, times-cited = {8}, title = {Synchronous and asynchronous Mott transitions in topological insulator ribbons}, unique-id = {ISI:000305605100009}, volume = {85}, year = {2012} }