@article{ISI:000298862700001, abstract = {We study the scaling behavior of the fidelity (F) in the thermodynamic limit using the examples of a system of Dirac fermions in one dimension and the Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice. We show that the thermodynamic fidelity inside the gapless as well as gapped phases follow power-law scalings, with the power given by some of the critical exponents of the system. The generic scaling forms of F for an anisotropic quantum critical point for both the thermodynamic and nonthermodynamic limits have been derived and verified for the Kitaev model. The interesting scaling behavior of F inside the gapless phase of the Kitaev model is also discussed. Finally, we consider a rotation of each spin in the Kitaev model around the z axis and calculate F through the overlap between the ground states for the angle of rotation eta and eta + d eta, respectively. We thereby show that the associated geometric phase vanishes. We have supplemented our analytical calculations with numerical simulations wherever necessary.}, article-number = {024301}, author = {Mukherjee, Victor and Dutta, Amit and Sen, Diptiman}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.85.024301}, eissn = {2469-9969}, issn = {2469-9950}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, month = {JAN 3}, number = {2}, orcid-numbers = {Mukherjee, Victor/0000-0003-3324-8056 Mukherjee, Victor/0000-0003-3324-8056}, researcherid-numbers = {Mukherjee, Victor/AAR-3999-2020 Mukherjee, Victor/C-5241-2018}, times-cited = {18}, title = {Quantum fidelity for one-dimensional Dirac fermions and two-dimensional Kitaev model in the thermodynamic limit}, unique-id = {ISI:000298862700001}, volume = {85}, year = {2012} }