@article{ISI:000292513700003, abstract = {We discuss the effects of a novel `intrinsic' disorder in hole-doped rare-earth manganites. Using effective field theory as well as direct numerical simulations, we show that this disorder can have dramatic effects in terms of the transition from ferromagnetic insulator to ferromagnetic metal upon hole-doping, including an Anderson localized regime where variable range hopping may be observed.}, author = {Sanyal, P. and Shenoy, V. B. and Krishnamurthy, H. R. and Ramakrishnan, T. V.}, doi = {10.1140/epjb/e2011-20189-7}, eissn = {1434-6036}, issn = {1434-6028}, journal = {EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B}, month = {JUN}, number = {4}, pages = {393-398}, researcherid-numbers = {Sanyal, Prabuddha/E-3934-2016}, times-cited = {1}, title = {Novel effects of localization due to intrinsic disorder in manganites}, unique-id = {ISI:000292513700003}, volume = {81}, year = {2011} }