@article{ISI:000262535900062, abstract = {We investigate the asymmetry between electron and hole doping in a 2D Mott insulator and the resulting competition between antiferromagnetism (AFM) and d-wave superconductivity (SC), using variational Monte Carlo calculations for projected wave functions. We find that key features of the T=0 phase diagram, such as critical doping for SC-AFM coexistence and the maximum value of the SC order parameter, are determined by a single parameter eta which characterizes the topology of the ``Fermi surface″ at half filling defined by the bare tight-binding parameters. Our results give insight into why AFM wins for electron doping, while SC is dominant on the hole-doped side. We also suggest using band structure engineering to control the eta parameter for enhancing SC.}, article-number = {027002}, author = {Pathak, Sandeep and Shenoy, Vijay B. and Randeria, Mohit and Trivedi, Nandini}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.027002}, issn = {0031-9007}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, month = {JAN 16}, number = {2}, orcid-numbers = {Pathak, Sandeep/0000-0002-3231-9345}, times-cited = {46}, title = {Competition between Antiferromagnetic and Superconducting States, Electron-Hole Doping Asymmetry, and Fermi-Surface Topology in High Temperature Superconductors}, unique-id = {ISI:000262535900062}, volume = {102}, year = {2009} }