@article{ISI:000260574500110, abstract = {We use first-principles density-functional theory calculations to determine the vibrational properties of ultrathin n(1,2,...,7)-layer graphene films and present a detailed analysis of their zone-center phonons. We demonstrate that a low-frequency (similar to 112 cm(-1)) optical phonon with out-of-plane displacements exhibits a particularly large sensitivity to the number of layers, although no discernible change in the interlayer spacing is found as n varies. Frequency shifts of the optical phonons in bilayer graphene are also calculated as a function of its interlayer separation and interpreted in terms of the interplanar interaction.}, article-number = {165421}, author = {Saha, Srijan Kumar and Waghmare, U. V. and Krishnamurthy, H. R. and Sood, A. K.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.78.165421}, eissn = {2469-9969}, issn = {2469-9950}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, month = {OCT}, number = {16}, orcid-numbers = {Saha, Srijan Kumar/0000-0002-5086-796X}, researcherid-numbers = {Saha, Srijan Kumar/J-7552-2012}, times-cited = {54}, title = {Phonons in few-layer graphene and interplanar interaction: A first-principles study}, unique-id = {ISI:000260574500110}, volume = {78}, year = {2008} }