@article{ISI:000257424700053, abstract = {We show that the defect density n, for a slow nonlinear power-law quench with a rate tau(-1) and an exponent alpha > 0, which takes the system through a critical point characterized by correlation length and dynamical critical exponents nu and z, scales as n similar to tau(-alpha nu d/(alpha z nu+1)) [n similar to(alpha g((alpha-1)/alpha)/tau)(nu d/(z nu+1))] if the quench takes the system across the critical point at time t=0 [t=t(0)not equal 0], where g is a nonuniversal constant and d is the system dimension. These scaling laws constitute the first theoretical results for defect production in nonlinear quenches across quantum critical points and reproduce their well-known counterpart for a linear quench (alpha=1) as a special case. We supplement our results with numerical studies of well-known models and suggest experiments to test our theory.}, article-number = {016806}, author = {Sen, Diptiman and Sengupta, K. and Mondal, Shreyoshi}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.016806}, eissn = {1079-7114}, issn = {0031-9007}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, month = {JUL 4}, number = {1}, times-cited = {122}, title = {Defect production in nonlinear quench across a quantum critical point}, unique-id = {ISI:000257424700053}, volume = {101}, year = {2008} }