@article{ISI:000253763700002, abstract = {We present a Brownian inchworm model of a self-propelled elastic dimer in the absence of an external potential. Nonequilibrium noise together with a stretch-dependent damping form the propulsion mechanism. Our model connects three key nonequilibrium features-position-velocity correlations, a nonzero mean internal force, and a drift velocity. Our analytical results, including striking current reversals, compare very well with numerical simulations. The model unifies the propulsion mechanisms of DNA helicases, polar rods on a vibrated surface, crawling keratocytes and Myosin VI. We suggest experimental realizations and tests of the model.}, article-number = {020102}, author = {Kumar, K. Vijay and Ramaswamy, Sriram and Rao, Madan}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.77.020102}, eissn = {1550-2376}, issn = {1539-3755}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW E}, month = {FEB}, number = {2, 1}, orcid-numbers = {Krishnamurthy, Vijaykumar/0000-0002-2963-7588}, researcherid-numbers = {Rao, Madan/E-2927-2012 }, times-cited = {26}, title = {Active elastic dimers: Self-propulsion and current reversal on a featureless track}, unique-id = {ISI:000253763700002}, volume = {77}, year = {2008} }