@article{ISI:000251326900016, abstract = {We use first-principles density-functional theory to determine the adiabatic frequency shift of the A(1)(')-K and E-'-K phonons in a monolayer graphene as a function of both electron and hole doping. Compared to the results for the E-2g-Gamma phonon (Raman G band), the results for the A(1)(')-K phonon are dramatically different, while those for the E-'-K phonon are not so different. Furthermore, we calculate the frequency shifts, as a function of the charge doping of the (K+Delta K) phonons responsible for the Raman 2D band-a key fingerprint of graphene, where parallel to Delta K parallel to is determined by the double-resonance Raman process.}, article-number = {201404}, author = {Saha, Srijan Kumar and Waghmare, U. V. and Krishnamurthy, H. R. and Sood, A. K.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.76.201404}, eissn = {2469-9969}, issn = {2469-9950}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, month = {NOV}, number = {20}, orcid-numbers = {Saha, Srijan Kumar/0000-0002-5086-796X}, researcherid-numbers = {Saha, Srijan Kumar/J-7552-2012}, times-cited = {16}, title = {Probing zone-boundary optical phonons in doped graphene}, unique-id = {ISI:000251326900016}, volume = {76}, year = {2007} }