@article{ISI:000244592100051, abstract = {We study electronic inhomogeneities in manganites using simulations on a microscopic model with Coulomb interactions amongst two electronic fluids-one localized (polaronic), the other extended-and dopant ions. The long range Coulomb interactions frustrate phase separation induced by the large on site repulsion between the fluids. A single phase ensues which is inhomogeneous at a nanoscale, but homogeneous on mesoscales, with many features that agree with experiments. This, we argue, is the origin of nanoscale inhomogeneities in manganites, rather than phase competition or disorder effects.}, article-number = {097201}, author = {Shenoy, Vijay B. and Gupta, Tribikram and Krishnamurthy, H. R. and Ramakrishnan, T. V.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.097201}, eissn = {1079-7114}, issn = {0031-9007}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, month = {MAR 2}, number = {9}, orcid-numbers = {Gupta, Tribikram/0000-0002-4151-5313 }, researcherid-numbers = {Gupta, Tribikram/P-5050-2016 Gupta, Tribikram/AAF-6205-2019}, times-cited = {52}, title = {Coulomb interactions and nanoscale electronic inhomogeneities in manganites}, unique-id = {ISI:000244592100051}, volume = {98}, year = {2007} }