@article{ISI:000241722000057, abstract = {We present a systematic study of the effect of strain (equivalent to uniform pressure) on the thermal conductivity of an insulating solid. Following a theoretical analysis that uncovers the dependence of the thermal conductivity on temperature and strain, we present classical molecular dynamics calculations of the thermal conductivity. We find that the molecular dynamics results closely match the theoretical result. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.}, article-number = {164513}, author = {Bhowmick, Somnath and Shenoy, Vijay B.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2361287}, eissn = {1089-7690}, issn = {0021-9606}, journal = {JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS}, month = {OCT 28}, number = {16}, orcid-numbers = {Bhowmick, Somnath/0000-0003-4094-5204}, times-cited = {95}, title = {Effect of strain on the thermal conductivity of solids}, unique-id = {ISI:000241722000057}, volume = {125}, year = {2006} }