@article{ISI:000238849000063, abstract = {Based on experiments and 3D simulations, we show that a soft elastic film during adhesion and debonding from a rigid flat surface undergoes morphological transitions to pillars, labyrinths, and cavities, all of which have the same lateral pattern length scale, lambda close to lambda/H similar to 3 for thick films, H > 1 mu m. The linear stability analysis and experiments show a new thin film regime where lambda/H approximate to 3 + 2 pi(lambda/3 mu H)(1/4) (gamma is surface tension, mu is shear modulus) because of a significant surface energy penalty (for example, lambda/H approximate to 6 for H = 200 nm; mu = 1 MPa).}, article-number = {018303}, author = {Gonuguntla, Manoj and Sharma, Ashutosh and Sarkar, Jayati and Subramanian, Subash A. and Ghosh, Moniraj and Shenoy, Vijay}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.018303}, issn = {0031-9007}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, month = {JUL 7}, number = {1}, orcid-numbers = {Sharma, Ashutosh/0000-0002-2653-0806}, researcherid-numbers = {Sharma, Ashutosh/D-1034-2011}, times-cited = {44}, title = {Contact instability in adhesion and debonding of thin elastic films}, unique-id = {ISI:000238849000063}, volume = {97}, year = {2006} }