@article{ISI:000222530200055, abstract = {We study the low-energy properties of a sawtooth chain with spin-1's at the bases of the triangles and spin-1/2's at the vertices of the triangles. The spins have Heisenberg antiferromagnetic interactions between nearest neighbors, with a coupling J(2) between a spin-1 and a spin-1/2, and a coupling J(1)=1 between two spin-1's. Analysis of the exact diagonalization data for periodic chains containing up to N=12 unit cells shows that the ground state is a singlet for exchange couplings up to approximately J(2)=3.8, whereas for larger J(2) the system exhibits a ferrimagnetic ground state characterized by a net ferromagnetic moment per unit cell of 1/2. In the region of small interactions J(2), the mixed spin sawtooth chain maps on to an effective isotropic spin model representing two weakly interacting and frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains composed of spin-1/2 sites at odd and even vertices, respectively. Finally, we study the phenomenon of a macroscopic magnetization jump which occurs if a magnetic field is applied with a value close to the saturation field for J(2)=2.}, article-number = {214406}, author = {Chandra, VR and Sen, D and Ivanov, NB and Richter, J}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.69.214406}, issn = {1098-0121}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, month = {JUN}, number = {21}, orcid-numbers = {Ivanov, Nedko/0000-0002-7681-9974}, researcherid-numbers = {Richter, Johannes/A-6339-2009 }, times-cited = {17}, title = {Antiferromagnetic sawtooth chain with spin-(1)/(2) and spin-1 sites}, unique-id = {ISI:000222530200055}, volume = {69}, year = {2004} }