@article{ISI:000182127200008, abstract = {We construct the equations of motion for the coupled dynamics of order parameter and concentration for the nematic phase of driven particles on a solid surface, and show that they imply i) giant number fluctuations, with a standard deviation proportional to the mean in dimension d=2 of primary relevance to experiment, and ii) long-time tails similar tot(-d/2) in the autocorrelation of the particle velocities despite the absence of a hydrodynamic velocity field. Our predictions can be tested in experiments on aggregates of amoeboid cells as well as on layers of agitated granular matter.}, author = {Ramaswamy, S and Simha, RA and Toner, J}, doi = {10.1209/epl/i2003-00346-7}, issn = {0295-5075}, journal = {EUROPHYSICS LETTERS}, month = {APR}, number = {2}, pages = {196-202}, researcherid-numbers = {Toner, John/G-9470-2015}, times-cited = {199}, title = {Active nematics on a substrate: Giant number fluctuations and long-time tails}, unique-id = {ISI:000182127200008}, volume = {62}, year = {2003} }