@article{ISI:000086597400067, abstract = {We study the spectrum of fermions hopping on a chain with a weak incommensuration close to dimerization; both q, the deviation of the wave number from pi, and delta, the strength of the incommensuration, are small. For free fermions, we use a continuum Dirac theory to show that there are an infinite number of bands which meet at zero energy as q approaches zero. In the limit that the ratio q/delta-->0, the number of states lying inside the q = 0 gap is nonzero and equal to 2 delta/pi(2). Thus the limit q-->0 differs from q=0; this can be seen clearly in the behavior of the specific heat at low temperature. For interacting fermions or the XXZ spin-1/2 chain close to dimerization, we use bosonization and a renormalization group analysis to argue that similar results hold; as q-->0, there is a nontrivial density of states near zero energy. However, the limit q-->0 and q=0 give the same results near commensurate wave numbers which are different from pi; for both free and interacting fermions, we find that a nonzero value of q is necessary to close the gap. Our results for free fermions are applied to the Azbel-Hofstadter problem of electrons hopping on a two-dimensional lattice in the presence of a magnetic field. Finally, we discuss the complete energy spectrum of free fermions with incommensurate hopping by going up to higher orders in delta.}, author = {Sen, D and Lal, S}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.61.9001}, eissn = {2469-9969}, issn = {2469-9950}, journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, month = {APR 1}, number = {13}, pages = {9001-9013}, researcherid-numbers = {Lal, Siddhartha/A-1414-2013}, times-cited = {7}, title = {One-dimensional fermions with incommensuration}, unique-id = {ISI:000086597400067}, volume = {61}, year = {2000} }