@article{ISI:000085550000009, abstract = {We discuss the ``exhaustion″ problem in the context of the periodic Anderson model using iterated perturbation theory (IPT) within the dynamical mean-field theory. WE find that, despite its limitations, IPT captures the exhaustion physics, which manifests itself as a dramatic, strongly energy-dependent, suppression of the effective hybridization of the self consistent Anderson impurity problem. As a consequence, low-energy scales in the lattice case are strongly suppressed compared to the ``Kondo scale″ in the single impurity picture. The IPT results are in qualitative agreement with recent Quantum Monte Carlo results for the same problem.}, author = {Vidhyadhiraja, NS and Tahvildar-Zadeh, AN and Jarrell, M and Krishnamurthy, HR}, doi = {10.1209/epl/i2000-00171-0}, issn = {0295-5075}, journal = {EUROPHYSICS LETTERS}, month = {FEB}, number = {4}, orcid-numbers = {Zadeh, Niki/0000-0002-0025-0769}, pages = {459-465}, researcherid-numbers = {S, Vidhyadhiraja N/E-6715-2010 Zadeh, Niki/F-4532-2014}, times-cited = {27}, title = {``Exhaustion″ physics in the periodic Anderson model from iterated perturbation theory}, unique-id = {ISI:000085550000009}, volume = {49}, year = {2000} }